Round Crown Silver 60 watt ES 60mm Dia 240 volt Anti glare light bulb
Halogen Capsule Coloured Lacquer Bulb 40 42 watts Base BC b22d Colour Red 240 volt 50 / 60mm Diameter
Electric Fire glow 40 watt Base Edison Screw ES Lacquer Red 240 volt Mains Voltage Uk.
Candle bulb CFL 7 watt SES E14 14mm Thread 240 volt RED Approx 10,000 HR Finish Our Resin Coating
Candle light bulb 28 watt Base Small Edison Screw SES Fire glow lacquer Red Halogen Poultry Brooders Reptiles
Candle light bulb 42 watt E14 SES Fire glow lacquer Red Halogen.
Candle light bulb 42 watt E14 SES Fire glow Translucent lacquer Amber Halogen.
Energy Saver 11 WATTS Semi Spiral SES Lumen output 530 Energy rate A
CFL Spiral Fireglow Red 11 watt Base Bayonet Cap BC 240 volt light bulb
Energy Saver Colour Amber 11 WATTS Semi Spiral base SES Used For Electric Fire Lighting used in some Crossley fires.
Energy Saver Colour Red 11 WATTS Semi Spiral base SES Used For some electric Fire Lighting Special coating
FLE20TBXR 20 watt Base Edison screw ES Length 160 mm fluorescent tube Fire Red
FLE20TBXR 15 watt CFL Base Edison screw ES Length 160 mm Red Fluorescent Tube Fire Red
Fire glow 30 watt RED strip tube 221 mm. Dimmable Special heat proof lacquer.
GLS Fire glow 60 watt RED strip tube 221 mm. Dimmable used in some White Knight Halcyon fires.
Double ended Fireglow Tube 30 watt RED Strip tube 284 mm Length of tube. Used as a better lasting lamp in many electric fires. Maximum 2 Lamps per Order
Fire glow 60 watt RED strip tube 284mm Used in many Electric fires. Or with under Cupboard Lighting.
Fire glow 30 watt Amber strip tube 221mm Special heat proof lacquer.
Candle bulb GLS AMBER Transluscent Fire glow 15 watt SES E14 14mm 240 volt Amber
GLS Fire Glow 25 watt SES E14 Candle Lacquer 240 volt Red. Mains voltage uk.
GLS Fire glow 40 watt SES E14 Candle Lacquer 240 volt Red lighting for Coal and some log effect fires
45mm Dia Fire glow Bulb 40 watt SES E14 14mm 240 volt Amber special coating Lacquer
GLS Fire glow 25 watt BC Candle Light bulb 240 volt Amber
GLS Fire glow Red 25 watt BC Candle Ba22d Lacquer 240 volt Transluscent
GLS Fire glow 40 watt BC Candle Lacquer 240 volt Red. 240 volt mains voltage uk
Candle Fire glow Light bulb Amber 40 watt BC Candle Lacquer 240 volt.
GLS Fire glow Red Lacquer 15 watt Base is ba22d BC standard bayonet cap Pygmy lamp
GLS Fire glow 25 watt BC Amber 240 volt Resin coated pygmy light bulb. Bayonet cap. ROYAL COZYFIRES
GLS Fire glow 40 watt BC 240 volt Red 40w Electric Fire Bulb lacquer finish. We sell Top brands like PHILIPS OSRAM CROMPTON etc.
GLS Fire glow 60 watt BC 240 volt. Red 60w Electric fire Bulb. Adam Sambro. Plus others. Long lasting HeatProof Coating.
GLS Fire glow 60 watt Base E27 Edison screw ES Lacquer Red 240 volt. Translucent mains voltage uk
GLS Fire glow 60 watt Base Edison screw ES Lacquer Amber. 240 volt mains voltage uk
Coloured Orange Heat Lacquered Light Bulb 60 watt Base Standard Bayonet cap BC AMBER 240 volt.
GLS Fire glow 25 watt Base Edison screw ES. Lacquer Amber. Total length 105mm. Diameter of glass 60mm. 240 volt mains voltage uk
GLS Fire glow 40 watt Base Edison screw ES Lacquer Amber light bulb Electric and some gas fires
Coloured Lacquer Bulb 25 watt Base BC b22d Colour AMBER 240 volt Colour glazed lamp
GLS Fire glow 42 watts Xenon / Halogen energy saving Base BC Ba22d 240 volt Colour Red light bulb. Brooders
Coloured Lacquer Bulb 40 watts Base BC b22d Colour AMBER 240 volt 50 / 60mm DiameterThis is the price No vat will be added save 20%
GLS Fire glow Triple life 25 watt BC 240 volt Flame Red 25w electric fire bulb used in many log and coal effect fires. 3,000hrs
Round Bulb 25 watt FIRE Red E14 SES Lacquer fire glow
GLS 7 watt Night Light Lamp SES E14 240/260 volt. Handy lighting
Light bulb Round Crown Silver 40 watt SES 45mm Diameter 240 volt. Anti glare
Round Crown Silver 100 watt BC 68 mm 240 volt Anti glare light bulb
Round Crown Silver: 100 watt ES 60mm Diameter 240 volt. Anti glare light bulb
GLS Fire glow 60 watt standard bayonet cap BC 110 / 120 volt Special finish hard lacquer finish oven set.
Our Energy Saver 11 WATTS Semi Spiral base SES. Daylight. Used in lamps and small light fittings in your household, including many cooker hoods
GLS Fire glow 60 watt BC 240 volt. Red 60w Electric fire Bulb. Adam Sambro. Plus others. Low PRICE. Long Lasting Fast Delivery
Coloured Lacquer Bulb 40 watts Base BC b22d Colour AMBER 240 volt 50 / 60mm Diameter This is the price No vat will be added save 20%
Fire glow Opaque 30 watt RED strip tube 221 mm. Dimmable Special heat proof lacquer.
Fire glow Opaque 60 watt RED strip tube 221 mm. Dimmable Special heat proof lacquer.
Fire glow Opaque 60 watt RED strip tube 284 mm. Dimmable Special heat proof lacquer.
Fire glow Opaque 30 watt RED strip tube 284 mm. Dimmable Special heat proof lacquer.
3 TUBE bulb CFL 15 watt ES E27 26mm Thread 240 volt RED 1,500 HR Finish Our Resin Coating
Candle bulb CFL 7 watt BC Bayonet Cap. 240 volt RED 1,500 HR Finish Our Resin Coating
CFL GLS shape bulb 13 watt ES E27 240 volt RED 8,000 HR Finish Our Resin Coating
Translucent GLS Fire glow 60 watt Base E27 Edison screw ES Lacquer Red 240 volt. Translucent mains voltage uk
Candle bulb CFL 7 watt SES E14 14mm Thread 240 volt RED 1,500 HR Finish Our Resin Coating
FLE18TBXR 18 watt Base Edison screw ES Length 140 mm Fluorescent tube Fire Red
Round GLS Crown Silver 60 watt ES 60mm Dia 240 volt Anti glare light bulb
Candle light bulb 28 watt Base Small Edison Screw SES Fire glow lacquer AMBER Halogen Poultry Brooders Reptiles
Red Fire glow 40 watt BC Candle Lacquer 240 volt Red. 240 volt mains voltage uk
GLS RED Fire glow 40 watt BC 240 volt 40w Electric Fire Bulb lacquer finish. We sell Top brands like PHILIPS OSRAM CROMPTON etc.
Halogen Capsule Coloured Lacquer Bulb 40 watts Base BC b22d Colour Red 240 volt 50 / 60mm DiameterThis is the price No vat will be added save 20%
GLS Fire glow 40 watts Xenon / Halogen 460 LUMEN BC Ba22d 240 volt Colour Red light bulb. Brooders
GLS ROUND Fire glow Bulb 25 watt SES E14 14mm 240 volt Amber special coating Lacquer
GLS Fire glow 60 watt 3 Pin BC 240 volt. Red 60w Electric fire Bulb. Adam Sambro. Plus others. Long lasting HeatProof Coating.
GLS Candle Fire glow Bulb 25 watt SES E14 14mm 240 volt Amber special coating Lacquer
Our Energy Saver 11 WATTS Semi Spiral base ES. Daylight. Used in lamps and small light fittings in your household, including many cooker hoods
Our Energy Saver 11 WATTS Semi Spiral base BA15D Used in lamps and small light fittings in your household, including many cooker hoods